
How to Dress for Running: The Trick!

In this tips article, I want to talk to you directly about a fundamental aspect of your passion, running. I know you love running as much as I do, and sharing this information is a pleasure.

How to Dress for Running

You know how crucial it is to feel comfortable during a run. The clothing you choose makes the difference between an enjoyable run and a strenuous one. Never underestimate the importance of wearing technical running clothing, especially in trail running. Cotton, as comfortable as it may seem, is your worst enemy when it comes to training. It retains moisture, doesn’t allow your body to regulate temperature properly, and overheats in summer while rapidly cooling in winter. And yes, I’m also talking about the “mutants”!

Technical garments, on the other hand, are made from ultra-light fabrics that absorb sweat and transport it away from the skin. This means you’ll stay dry during your run and won’t have to endure wet and heavy clothes that chafe your skin. Your running experience will significantly improve thanks to this choice.

Goals, Weather, and Physical Conditions

When it comes to running attire, you should consider three key aspects: your goals, current and future weather conditions, and your physical state.

  1. Goals: If you’re preparing for a race, you should make different choices compared to those running just for pleasure. Competitions require more attention to clothing selection.
  2. Weather Conditions: Running in winter requires a different approach than running in the rain or heat. There are specific thermal items available, and you should also consider how your body reacts to various temperatures.
  3. Physical Conditions: Remember that your main goal should always be running to stay healthy. Your clothing choices should aim to ensure maximum comfort.

Shoes and Running Socks

In addition to clothing, you should pay attention to your shoes and socks. Choose the best running shoes for you, but don’t neglect the socks. Socks that are too big or too small can cause blisters, so make sure they’re the right size. Furthermore, running socks should be made of antibacterial materials that help absorb sweat. This prevents annoying wrinkles and skin chafing.

The Trick, or Rather, the Tricks

For long races, let’s say from a marathon upwards, I use Hoffmann cream on my feet the night before and white Vaseline on race day. You’ll thank me for this. It will prevent excessive friction and ensure your feet stay dry, limiting blisters. Regarding heat perception, I follow the magical “10-degree rule”: dress as if it were ten degrees Celsius warmer. If it’s acceptable for me to leave the house in a T-shirt when it’s 20°C, then I’ll be fine running in a T-shirt at 10°C. Please note that when it comes to trail running, you might have mandatory gear to wear during a race. Also, if you gain significant elevation or if it’s a rainy or windy day, your perception will change significantly. In these cases, it’s better to have something extra to take off (which by now weighs almost nothing) than to endure cold the whole time.

Running Shorts and Shirts

Running shorts should be breathable and comfortable. You shouldn’t feel seams rubbing against your skin or excessive pressure. Running shirts should also be breathable and have thin seams to avoid annoying chafing.

Running Caps

Caps are essential for keeping your head warm in the cold. Even in summer, a cap can protect you from UV rays and prevent sweat from running into your eyes.

Running Apparel for Every Season

Lastly, don’t let the weather influence your training. Check the weather forecast, listen to your body, and choose appropriate clothing for each season. Don’t skimp on your safety, especially in adverse conditions.

Remember, running apparel is a fundamental part of your running experience. Choose wisely and enjoy every run to the fullest. Happy running!

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