
Running: I’m feeling demotivated today

It happens to everyone. It happens often. It’s raining, maybe it’s cold, you’ve worked all day, and the couch is calling you. Close your eyes. Imagine the feeling you get when you’ve finished a run or a workout. That freshness, that pride, that sense of accomplishment. Now think about how you feel when you decide not to do it.

The trick isn’t to wait for motivation to come; it’s to create a habit. And habits are like muscles; the more you use them, the stronger they become.

The Importance of Putting on Your Shoes

So, if you’re feeling low on energy or motivation today, I challenge you to do just one small thing. Put on your running shoes. You don’t even have to go outside, just put them on. You’ll feel how it changes your perspective.

The 5-Minute Rule

And if you still feel demotivated, think that you’ll go out for just 5 minutes. What are 5 minutes anyway? How much time have you wasted on social media or your phone? Promise yourself that if you don’t want to run anymore after 5 minutes, you can go back home. But most of the time, once you’re out and moving, you’ll want to continue.

Remember, it’s not about running for hours or covering long distances. It’s about consistency. It’s about taking care of yourself. It’s about learning that motivation often comes AFTER you start, not before.

The Beginning of a Journey

So, take a deep breath, put on those shoes, and remember why you started this journey. The road is waiting for you, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. A helpful tool to stay consistent can be using apps like Strava (or similar). Post your runs without the fear that they’re short or your pace per kilometer is ridiculous. We all started with just a few minutes a week, that’s how it’s done.


Every runner, even the most experienced, faces procrastination from time to time. But the difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don’t is often the ability to overcome these moments of demotivation. Always remember that running is not just a physical activity, but also an opportunity to nurture your mind, spirit, and determination. Remember that it’s not the number of kilometers one can cover in a week or their pace per kilometer that makes a person an athlete; it’s consistency, commitment, dedication, achieving one goal, and then setting a new one.

Here are some tips

Set a realistic goal. Don’t try to do too much at once. Start with a small achievable goal, like running for 30 minutes three times a week. Once you achieve that goal, you can gradually increase it.

Find a workout partner. Personally, I prefer being alone with my thoughts when I run, and maybe I’m in the mountains, but having someone to train with can help you stay motivated.

Establish a routine. Find a time of day when you can work out and stick to it. Reward yourself for your progress.

When you reach a goal, treat yourself to a small reward. Use your workouts to discover new corners of your country.

As your runs get longer, it can be fun to explore that little street you’ve never been on or the trail that many have recommended and be amazed by the discovery.


Here are some reasons why you should run even when you don’t feel like it:

Running releases endorphins, which have positive effects on your mood. Running can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Running can improve your cardiovascular health.
Running can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Running can help you sleep better.

So, the next time you feel demotivated, remember all these benefits and give yourself a chance. You won’t regret it.”