
How do I evaluate my fitness level? Ruffier-Dickson Test

I’m here to introduce you to a little-known yet surprisingly useful tool for assessing your physical condition: the Ruffier-Dickson test. If you’re considering starting physical activity, transitioning from a non-aerobic to an aerobic activity, or resuming after an injury, this test could be extremely interesting and beneficial for you.

What exactly is the Ruffier-Dickson test?

It is a simple but very important test. It might seem complex, but it’s actually within everyone’s reach. It is fast, reliable, and can be repeated several times without any problem.

The test is divided into four key phases that provide a detailed picture of your physical condition:

Phase 1: Measuring resting heart rate

The first step is to measure your resting heart rate. Sit quietly for at least 30 seconds and measure your pulse for 10 seconds. Then multiply the obtained value by six; this will be your resting heart rate (F). Many smartwatches have this built-in function.

Phase 2: Performing leg bends

Next, perform 30 leg bends in 45 seconds. It’s important to maintain a steady pace during the exercise. This step can also be performed outside the test to understand and establish the correct rhythm.

Phase 3: Immediately measure heart rate

After completing the leg bends, rest and immediately measure your heart rate for 10 seconds. Multiply the obtained value by six; this will be F1. Once again, the watch or a heart rate monitor (even better) can be helpful allies.

Phase 4: Measure heart rate after one minute of rest

After one minute of rest from the end of the exercise, measure your heart rate again for 10 seconds. Multiply the obtained value by six; this will be F2.

Using the collected data, you can calculate the test value according to this formula:

T= ( F1 70 ) + 2 ( F2 F ) 10

For example, if F1 = 101, F2 = 70, and F = 62, the calculation will be:

T= ( 101 70 ) + 2 ( 70 62 ) 10 = (31+2×8)/10=4,7

Now, the obtained result can be condensed into these values:
Less than 3 -> Excellent
Between 3 and 7 -> Good
Between 7 and 9 -> Sufficient
More than 9 -> Disappointing

This test provides an overview of your current physical condition and is an excellent way to assess your fitness level.

Happy training!”