
The 2024 Marathon and Half Marathon Calendar

Today, I have news that will make the heart of an enthusiastic runner like you beat faster. The Italian Athletics Federation (Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera, FIDAL) has unveiled the calendar for marathons and half marathons in Italy for 2024. And what a calendar it is! It’s a unique opportunity to plan your challenges and prepare for thrilling running adventures.

A Glimpse of Epic Events

A quick look at the calendar reveals a wide range of events, each with its charm and characteristics. But what’s catching the attention of many running enthusiasts is the presence of not one but two Gold-level marathons in Emilia Romagna. Yes, you read that correctly! Here’s what you need to know about these race gems:

  • Ravenna Marathon – November 10, 2024: The city of Ravenna is gearing up to host one of Italy’s most significant running events. It’s not just a marathon; it’s an extraordinary experience that will lead you to discover the historical and artistic heritage of this beautiful city. Running amidst the mosaics and treasures of Ravenna’s art will be a unique experience. Get ready to challenge yourself and create indelible memories.
  • Reggio Emilia Marathon – December 8, 2024: Not long after, Reggio Emilia will be the stage for another Gold-level marathon. 2024 will conclude with an exciting race and an atmosphere that only running can offer. The city of Reggio Emilia will transform into a runner’s paradise, and you’ll be a part of this incredible adventure.

What to Expect and How to Prepare

Participating in a Gold-level marathon is a great opportunity and an exciting challenge. The competition will be fierce, with runners from all over the world. But how can you prepare for such an event?

  • Gradual Training: Ensure you follow a well-structured training plan that prepares you for the marathon distance. Start building your endurance gradually.
  • Nutrition: Learn how to manage your nutrition during the race. With training, you’ll discover which foods work best for you before and during the race.
  • Apparel and Equipment: Make sure you have the right clothing and gear. Leave nothing to chance and test everything in advance.
  • Recovery: Allocate time for recovery. Rest is just as important as training. Keep your body in excellent condition.
  • Positive Mindset: Your mind is your most powerful resource. Maintain a positive mindset and focus on your goals.

Dream Big But…

These two Gold-level marathons in Emilia Romagna will be an opportunity to experience unique emotions and make 2024 an unforgettable year in your running career. Every step you take brings you closer to the finish line, not just physically but personally. However, remember that many races await you, and they genuinely deserve to be fully experienced.

Start planning your race season, prepare to the best of your ability, and, most importantly, never stop dreaming big. When you cross the finish line, you’ll feel the satisfaction of achieving an epic goal.

I look forward to seeing you there in your runner’s jersey, ready to challenge yourself and discover what your runner’s heart is truly capable of.

Run strong!

You can find the official calendars here.