
Progressive Training: A World of Variety

When delving into the world of training, a term that frequently arises is “progressive.” You might have come across phrases like “slow progressive,” “pure progressive,” or “endurance progressive” in various training schedules. But what exactly does it mean?

Definition of Progressive Training

Progressive training, as the name suggests, is a program that gradually increases intensity during a session. It starts at a relaxed pace and progresses toward a higher speed. After understanding this definition, it’s crucial to note that there are several variations of progressive training, each tailored to different goals.

Slow Progressive: A Delicate Variation

The first variant is the slow progressive, also known as “slight progression.” Typically included on recovery days or as an alternative to slow-paced workouts, it’s an interesting variation. This type of progression starts from Z1, progresses to Z2, and culminates in Z3, possibly pushing to the maximum only on the final kilometer. Its primary purpose is to teach our body that it can indeed run faster after covering a certain distance. It’s an ideal choice to liven up a session or as part of an early-season aerobic workout. During marathon preparation, the classic long runs can evolve into a slight progression to make training less monotonous.

Endurance Progressive

The endurance progressive, usually covering 15 kilometers or more, replaces varied mediums as it reaches high heart rate zones. The aim is to accustom the body to maintain race pace even when fatigued. The segments can be longer, around 4 or 5 kilometers, with slightly more sustained pace changes. This advanced workout requires some experience in managing effort levels.

Pure Progressive: Intensity All the Way

These workouts, usually ranging from 6 to 10 kilometers, demand a thorough warm-up to immediately start at a sustained pace and finish close to maximum effort. They are suitable for experienced runners due to their high physical and mental intensity.

So, choose the variation that suits your level and goals best. Progressive training is an excellent resource to enhance your endurance and prepare you effectively for your challenges. Always remember to listen to your body and progress gradually and safely.