
Developing Lipid Power: Running and Workouts for a Better Runner

Running is more than just physical exercise. It’s a source of discovery and transformation, prompting us to reevaluate what we take for granted, such as the importance of fats during running. Deepening our knowledge can lead to better athletic preparation. Let’s explore how to develop lipid power to enhance performance.

Defining Lipid Power

Lipid power refers to the amount of fat consumed by the body to produce energy. Optimally harnessing this power allows lipids to be used instead of glycogen, saving the latter for more intense effort phases. By reducing glycogen reserve consumption, it’s possible to positively impact the perception of fatigue during running.

Training to Boost Lipid Power

If you want to increase your lipid power, there are two paths to follow:

Depleted Glycogen Training

Running with low glycogen reserves conditions the body to use fats as the primary energy source. The best time to do this is in the early morning when the body has spent 7-10 hours without carbohydrates from the last meal, such as during overnight rest.

Not everyone tolerates this practice without a light breakfast to prepare the body for work. It’s crucial to do this regularly to effectively adapt the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.

Long-Distance Training

This type of training, performed over long distances, is challenging but effective. It involves running for long stretches with or without glycogen depletion and at various paces.

For a more specific program, always consult a coach or pay attention to your body’s signals to avoid overloads and injuries.

Recommended Training Types

Long and Ultra-Long Distances

These workouts involve covering long distances, exceeding 30 km, to train the body to efficiently utilize fats.

Medium-Length Run

This training requires less time than long-distance runs but more effort, maintaining 80-85% of maximum heart rate for 60/90 minutes. It falls between a long run and race pace.

Remember, these are general suggestions that should be tailored to your level of training and physical abilities. Always consult a professional before undertaking new training methods to maximize results and prevent injuries.