Challenges Motivation

Running Beyond Limits: The Incredible Feat of Camille Herron

Have you heard about Camille Herron’s latest feat? It’s truly extraordinary! Can you imagine running for 6 consecutive days? No, I’m not kidding! Imagine the steady pace, the unwavering determination, and the mental resilience required to cover 560.330 miles, or 901.764 kilometers. Yes, you read that right, over 900 kilometers! Setting Every Record Camille Herron […]

Motivation Video

Tom Evans: The Journey to Glory at the Western States Endurance Race

Today I’ll take you into the world of ultrarunning through the story of Tom Evans, an ultrarunner and former British Army captain whose experience at the 2019 Western States Endurance Race (WSER) garnered great interest in the trail running community. Tom finished the race in third place, setting a record-breaking time for a foreign athlete. […]


Crisis Management in Long-Distance Races: Mental Training

Long-distance races, such as ultramarathons, ultratrail, or 24-hour circuit races, subject the body to extreme exertion, challenging not only physical endurance but also mental resilience. Managing these crises requires solid mental preparation alongside physical readiness. Believe me, you can’t imagine how many thoughts ran through my mind during the night of my first 24-hour race. […]


Epic Snow Running Experience: Conquering Monte Pelpi in Bedonia, Parma!

🏔️ Welcome to the heart of winter, where the snow-covered landscape of Monte Pelpi in Bedonia, in the province of Parma, becomes the spectacular backdrop for our running adventure. A video loaded with emotions, motivation, and breathtaking landscapes, ready to inspire your passion for running. 🏃‍♂️ Discover with us the magic of running on snow […]


Running as a Journey of Personal Growth: Strategies to Maintain High Motivation

Running is much more than a sport; it’s a journey that accompanies us through self-discovery, pushing our limits, and discovering our capabilities. Sustaining motivation along this path can be challenging, yet there are effective strategies to make our commitment to running more rewarding and sustainable over time. Let’s explore some practical tips together that can […]

Motivation Video

Ash Bartholomew: An Inspiring Story at the Western States 100

I would like to share with you an incredible story of perseverance, love, and determination that has touched the hearts of all of us in the running community. This is the story of Ash Bartholomew, a name that may not be immediately familiar, but whose journey is a shining example of the true spirit of […]

Motivation Training Video

Exploring the Magic of Val Taro: Running Amidst the Spectacular Colors of Autumn

An exercise session surrounded by the vibrant colors of autumn in the picturesque Val Taro! This video takes you on an evocative journey through the stunning landscapes that come to life with the warm and vivid hues of this season. Discover how autumn transforms trails into a natural painting as you immerse your steps amidst […]

Motivation Races Video

The Epic Odyssey of Karel Sabbe along the Pacific Crest Trail

Embarking on a journey along the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) isn’t just a physical challenge; it’s a symphony of planning and human support. The film “Pacing the Pacific” captures this spirit, following Karel Sabbe and his team as they conquer the new supported fastest known time (FKT) record on the PCT in the summer of […]


Running Beyond Boundaries: The Extraordinary Story of Katie Schide

Today I want to share with you the inspiring journey of Katie Schide, an American athlete who has made the European mountains her home and trail running her passion. Katie has fully embraced the lifestyle of the great mountains, living in France and taking on challenges that go far beyond her comfort zone. In 2022, […]


The Importance of Being Present in the Moment While Running

Running is not just a physical practice but also a mental and spiritual experience. As we traverse the streets or trails, it’s easy to get lost in thoughts or distracted by everything around us. However, today we want to explore a crucial aspect of running: the importance of being present in the moment during the […]