
Maximize Your Training with Tempo Runs: Strategies and Benefits

If you’re looking to boost your speed and endurance in running, the tempo run might be exactly what you need. In this article, we’ll explore the various modes of executing the tempo run and its long-term benefits for your training. Get ready to discover how this form of training can transform your running style. What […]

Training Video

Cibus 2024: Exploring Functional Foods with Elena Casiraghi

Welcome to Parma, the city of good food and culinary excellence, where the 22nd edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition, is taking place. This year, the event features a special intervention by Elena Casiraghi, a nutrition expert from Equipe Enervit, as part of Cibus Healthy. The topic? “Functional Foods: What Are They and What […]


Smart Running: Effective Strategies for Active Rest and Optimal Recovery

Today, I want to share with you some fundamental considerations on managing active rest and optimal recovery. Running is an art that goes beyond the training itself, and understanding how to best recover your body is essential for improving your performance. Here are some valuable tips that can make a difference. Active Rest: A Powerful […]


Water: An Essential Companion to Enhance Your Performance

Running is not just a sport; it’s a lifestyle that we embrace with passion. We are aware that our body is our most precious machine, and to make it function at its best, we must pay attention to every detail. Today, I want to talk to you about a crucial element for our overall well-being […]


Discover Alternatives for Training When the Weather Isn’t on Your Side

You’ve surely experienced moments when you glance out of the window on a dark, cold day and your motivation dwindles. Too many factors seem to discourage you from heading out for a run. But don’t despair! Even when conditions aren’t favorable, there are alternative solutions to ensure you don’t miss out on your daily dose […]


Decoding the ‘Tempo Run’ in Running: A Comprehensive Analysis

Terminology in training often hides meanings that can be misleading, and the ‘Tempo Run’ is no exception. It’s a term that can easily lead astray. Associating the term ‘tempo’ with running inevitably evokes thoughts of a stopwatch and precise speed. However, this can lead to misinterpretations regarding how a Tempo Run should be executed. Defining […]


Managing Cardiac Drift during Running: An Important Aspect to Consider

Cardiac drift is a fascinating phenomenon that impacts athletes during training, often remaining underestimated. Understanding why the heart rate autonomously increases, even without changes in performance, can be crucial for optimizing one’s run. Let’s explore this crucial aspect involving heart rate and how to take it into account during training. Monitoring Heart Rate: A Fundamental […]


The Proper Balance: A Fundamental Key to Running

Running is more than just pushing off with your feet. One often overlooked aspect is balance, and I don’t mean the static ability to stand still. Balance during running is a dynamic process involving maintaining equilibrium while in motion. It’s about ensuring that your center of gravity stays within the support base, even as you […]

Challenges Races Video

The Barkley Marathons 2024: A Brutal Race

Have you ever heard of the Barkley Marathons? It’s one of the most legendary and ruthless races in the world, and this year’s edition was one of the most historic ever! A Story of Records and Achievements The Barkley Marathons 2024 made history with five finishers, including the first woman to complete the event, Jasmin […]

Challenges Motivation

Running Beyond Limits: The Incredible Feat of Camille Herron

Have you heard about Camille Herron’s latest feat? It’s truly extraordinary! Can you imagine running for 6 consecutive days? No, I’m not kidding! Imagine the steady pace, the unwavering determination, and the mental resilience required to cover 560.330 miles, or 901.764 kilometers. Yes, you read that right, over 900 kilometers! Setting Every Record Camille Herron […]