Shopping Tips

Running Shoes: How to Take Care of Our Best Ally

Dear runner, how many times have you faced the dilemma: to change or not to change your trusty running shoes? I know how difficult it can be to part with the pair that has accompanied you on so many adventures, but today I want to talk to you about the importance of taking care of your feet and how shoes play a fundamental role in this.

The Time for Change: When to Say Goodbye to Old Shoes

I learned the hard way (or rather, on my feet) how crucial it is to recognize the right time to replace running shoes. It’s not just about aesthetics or performance, but holistic health.

I still remember when, stubbornly, I insisted on running with a pair of shoes that were already worn out. The result? Knee and back pains that kept me sidelined for weeks. Don’t make the same mistake!

A good rule of thumb is to consider replacing them after 600-800 km. But it’s not just about kilometers: time also plays a role. If you run sporadically, your shoes might last longer in terms of mileage, but the materials still deteriorate over time.

Listen to Your Body: Signals Not to Ignore

Your body is the best indicator of when it’s time for a change. Have you noticed unusual discomfort or pain after running? Maybe your feet are more tired than usual, or you feel discomfort in your knees that wasn’t there before (who said IT band syndrome!?). These could be signs that your shoes are no longer doing their job properly.

Don’t underestimate these warnings! I’ve learned that paying attention to these small signals can make the difference between a satisfying running season and a series of frustrating injuries.

The Art of Prolonging the Life of Your Shoes

I know that frequently changing shoes can be a significant investment, so I want to share some tricks I’ve learned to make my shoes last longer:

  • Alternate two or more pairs of shoes. This allows the materials to recover between runs.
  • Use your running shoes only for running. It might seem obvious, but wearing them for other activities accelerates wear and tear.
  • Clean them regularly, especially if you run on trails or in muddy conditions (but don’t put them in the washing machine).
  • Let them dry naturally after each use, away from direct heat sources.

Following these tips, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in the longevity of my shoes, and I’m sure it will work for you too!

A Step Beyond: Giving New Life to Old Shoes

When you finally decide to change your shoes, don’t throw them away! I’ve discovered many ways to give them a second life. Personally, I use my old shoes for short workouts or treadmill runs, and often for everyday wear.

Additionally, many organizations collect used shoes to donate to those in need. It’s a fantastic way to do good and reduce environmental impact.

Remember: your running shoes are your best ally in your running journey. Treat them with care, listen to your body’s signals, and don’t hesitate to replace them when necessary. Your health and performance will benefit greatly.

And you, how do you manage your running shoes? Do you have any personal tricks to make them last longer? Share your experience on our social media links at the bottom of this site; I’m always curious to learn new methods from my fellow runners!